Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Neko Harbour

Sunrise, Neko Harbour
Storm Petrel released by Ornithologist Fabrice Genevois
 Gentoo Penguin

This Leopard Seal (below) slithered off and on this floe and all around and under (!) our zodiac.  Large and in charge - affirming its place (BOSS) - and ours.  Leopard seals are second only to Orcas as Antartica's top predators. 
Another Leopard Seal - dreaming of its next meal.  Or, if not asleep, opening its mouth as warning to us.

Rod's glacier ice for evening cocktails.

Yours truly is at 16:55 in my very favorite video clip from the entire expedition! 

Sunny and welcoming weather changed quickly... and forced us to retreat. Click here for dramatic offloading of the zodiac.

Check out the WIND at 5:14! (with Zak singing!).

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